When i discussed with ada choi , she told me that she has also had some similar experiences making difficult choices , and how her faith in chrsitianity is helping her to get through . once i knew that she had similar encounters , i would tell her to apply these experience to her performance 而我跟蔡少芬研究的时候,她都讲出一些她自己试过的经验,基督徒也会试过在死局中找不到出口,那知道她有这经历,便叫她套用那个经历到这场戏上,否则怎样做呢?
When i discussed with ada choi , she told me that she has also had some similar experiences making difficult choices , and how her faith in chrsitianity is helping her to get through . once i knew that she had similar encounters , i would tell her to apply these experience to her performance 而我跟蔡少芬研究的时候,她都讲出一些她自己试过的经验,基督徒也会试过在死局中找不到出口,那知道她有这经历,便叫她套用那个经历到这场戏上,否则怎样做呢?
Moiselle international holdings limited today opened a new flagship store at festival walk , kowloon tong . the opening ceremony was hosted by mr boby chan , chairman , ms shirley chan , joint managing director , and guests ms ada choi , ms gloria yip and mr chan wing luk 慕诗国际集团有限公司今天为九龙塘又一城之全新旗舰店揭幕,由集团主席陈钦杰先生及联席董事总经理徐巧娇女士,联同moiselle代言人蔡少芬小姐、嘉宾陈永陆先生及叶蕴仪小姐主持开幕仪式。